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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Need For Speed : High Stakes

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Game Name : Need For Speed : High Stakes
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2007-11-10 17:51:20
Views : 22225

Mixed Cheats
To do the Mixed Cheats code first do any race

Police cars
Enter the "Game Options" screen and select the "User Name" option. Then, enter "Nfs_Pd" as a player name to unlock most police cars in Hot Pursuit mode. Note: "_" indicates a space.

Enter the "Game Options" screen and select the "User Name" option. Then, enter "Whirly" as a player name. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase "Cheat Activated" will appear. The Helicopter is only available in Test Drive mode. Note: Enabling this code will disable the option to save your game.

Phantom car
Enter the "Game Options" screen and select the "User Name" option. Then, enter "Flash" as a player name. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase "Cheat Activated" will appear. Note: Enabling this code will disable the option to save your game. This car is normally unlocked by successfully completing all the tournaments with gold trophies.

Titan car
Enter the "Game Options" screen and select the "User Name" option. Then, enter "Hotrod" as a player name. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase "Cheat Activated" will appear. Note: Enabling this code will disable the option to save your game. This car is normally unlocked by successfully completing all the special events with gold trophies.

Heavy car
After selecting your car, press Start to load the race, then before the loading screen appears, immediately hold Left + Square + Circle. Continue to hold the buttons until the loading screen disappears.

Drunk mode
After selecting your car, press Start to load the race, then before the loading screen appears, immediately hold Up + L2 + R1. Continue to hold the buttons until the loading screen disappears. The screen will now be blurred, with ten cars appearing in place of one.

Dashboard view
After selecting your car, press Start to load the race, then before the loading screen appears, immediately hold Up + Triangle + X. Continue to hold the buttons until the loading screen disappears.

Turbo boost
Enable the "Dashboard view" code, then press Up while driving. -From: David.Garrett@phs.com

Instantly return to road
After crashing or driving off the road, press Select to instantly return to the road.

Drive any car in any tournament
Successfully complete all the tournaments. Additionally, select "Options" at the car selection screen to choose upgraded opponents.

Bonus cars
Complete Hot Pursuit mode with each police car to get a new car (BMW M5, Corvette, Porsche, Caprice and Lamborghini).

Easy cars and money
Note: Two memory cards are required for this trick. To perform this trick with only one memory card, enter High Stakes mode and the game will search port one for a memory card before checking port two. If there is no card in port two, the game will prompt you to retry. Simply remove the card from port one and insert it into port two to have double the cars. You need to own at least one car and have enough money ($20,000) to buy a new car. Once this is accomplished, copy the Need For Speed 4 file to another memory card. While both memory cards are in the PlayStation, race in the High Stakes mode and have player two intentionally forfeit at the beginning of the race. Player one should now have two of the same car. Copy the saved data to the other card again and repeat. You can then sell all your cars for a large amount of money.

Easier arrests in Hot Pursuit mode
Turn your sirens off (L1 + Up) during a hot pursuit as the police and the speeder will slow down. Then once you are ready to arrest them, turn your sirens back on.

Extra time in Hot Pursuit mode
Do not enter a name to get more time in single player Hot Pursuit mode.

Turn signal and headlights
Hold L1 and press Left or Right to use the turn signals. Hold L1 and press Up to turn on the headlights. Hold L1 and press Down to turn on the hazard lights.

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